Corporate Partners
Become a Corporate Sponsor
My Money Workshop is a financial literacy 501 (c) 3 organization that offers our participants actionable steps for a better tomorrow. Our mission is to educate people in the NY Tri-state area to manage their finances wisely and to make a lifetime of informed decisions.

Why Partner?
You have an opportunity to impact the youth and low-income adults we work with. Together we can ensure that those who may not have easy access to financial education can receive the tools and skills they need to achieve financial stability. By sponsoring or volunteering, corporate employees can ensure that our communities thrive.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Fundamentals Sponsor
Sponsor the creation of customized content for our participants.
• Receive Recognition on website, donor newsletters and a sponsor highlight on social media

Turning Point Sponsor
Sponsor one ‘Foundations for Financial Success’ Program for adults at a local community-based organization
• Opportunity to display collateral/giveaways at workshop
• Opportunity for a sponsor representative to speak at the first workshop of the series
• Recognition on website, donor newsletters and a sponsor highlight on social media
• Name and logo listed as presenting sponsor in presentation materials
• 2 tickets to anniversary special event TBD

Foundation for Success Sponsor
Sponsor two ‘Foundations for Financial Success’ Programs: one for an adult group and one for teens and young adults at a partnering school or
community-partner program
• Opportunity to display collateral/giveaways at workshop
• Opportunity for a sponsor representative to speak at the first workshop of the series
• Logo on website as a featured partner, Recognition in donor, client, and volunteer
newsletters and quarterly sponsor highlight on social media for one year
• Name and logo listed as presenting sponsor in presentation materials
• 10 tickets to anniversary special event TBD

Investor Sponsor
Sponsor a ‘Foundations for Financial Success Program over the course of the year at a partnering organization.
• Opportunity to invest and impact in the lives of participants from the beginning to the end of the series by proving one-on-one support and progress evaluation for a full year
• Opportunity to display collateral/
giveaways at workshop
• Logo on website as a featured partner, Recognition in donor, client, and volunteer
newsletters and quarterly sponsor highlight on social media for one year
• Name and listed as presenting sponsor in presentation materials
• 10 tickets to anniversary special event TBD

Blueprint For Success Sponsor
Listed as Premier Partner and Sponsor of the production of our Annual Client Workbook.
This workbook will ensure that close to 3,000 participants have a blueprint to help them stay on track toward financial success
• Name and logo listed as Lead sponsor in participant workbook for one year
• Opportunity to display collateral/giveaways at workshop
• Logo on website as a featured partner, Recognition in donor, client, and volunteer
newsletters and quarterly sponsor highlight on social media for one year
• Name and listed as presenting sponsor in presentation materials
• 20 tickets to anniversary special event TBD

Volunteer Sponsor
Starting at $1,000
Your employees receive training to be included in our roster of volunteers.
• Recognition on website, donor newsletters and a sponsor highlight on social media