MMW COVID-19 Response
My Money Workshop COVID-19 Response.
COVID-19 has impacted our lives in ways we could never foresee. Every day we receive news that affects our clients and participants. You know, though, it is during adversity, that innovation thrives. Together, we have accomplished fantastic work. We value the relationships we have built with our partners, volunteers, and friends and we’d like to share with you our plans for the near future.
First, we will deliver workshops via video conference to accommodate needs for social distancing.
Given the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases in New York, we need to ensure the safety of our clients, participants, volunteers, and staff. With that in mind, we would like to announce that we are implementing an online learning tool to deliver our My Money Workshop programs in the coming months to prevent any more disruption to our daily operations.
One of the critical reasons why My Money Workshop works is the connections that our volunteers make with our participants. Right now, for expediency’s sake, our goal is to implement free tools that can help our instructors and our participants meet online safely.
We believe that currently, it would be most prudent to utilize free options like virtual meeting applications and file-sharing platforms. We hope that in the future, we can use paid tools that will allow us to reach participants more effectively.
Second, we will deliver targeted material via recorded webinars.
People will need to stay informed, now more than ever. We will need to educate people amid uncertainty about the stock market, job insecurity, and fears for the future. Most importantly, we will continue to educate people on the importance of an emergency fund and of making informed decisions. During thIS time is when our lessons will be proven right.
These webinars will be shared on social media and over email in the coming weeks so that our participants can share them via their school’s Learning Management Systems. Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Youtube, to watch and share the videos.
As our school partners continue to shut down for the rest of the semester, we want to be proactive. Implementing this online solution today will help us continue to educate thousands of participants more this year and deliver much-needed programs.
Thank you for partnering with us in our mission to building financially capable communities. We will continue to share updates in the coming days and weeks.
All my best,
Gineyda Diaz
Executive Director