Donor Advised Funds Donations

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My Money Workshop Students Share Their Financial Visions

Join the #HalfMyDAF Challenge and support My Money Workshop today. Together we’ll double our impact.

Right now, non-profits like ours are working harder than ever. Meanwhile, over $120 billion sits unused in Donor Advised Funds and community foundations across the country. The #HalfMyDAF challenge aims to put these charitable dollars to work now, when and where it’s needed most.

Anyone who makes a grant to My Money Workshop and commits to granting half the money from their DAF before September 30th gives us the chance to be one of 150 non-profits to get a matching grant of up to $25,000. The more people who nominate our organization, the better our chances.
We’d love you to consider a donation to My Money Workshop.
You can learn more about the #HalfMyDAF challenge at

#Halfmydaf challenge

How It Works:

Make a grant to My Money Workshop through your Donor Advised Fund.

Reach out to your DAF account manager and recommend a grant to My Money Workshop. You can make an unrestricted grant or restrict it toward a specific program.

Nominate My Money Workshop for a matching grant

Complete the #HalfMyDAF Commitment Form before September 30, 2020. #HalfMyDAF will post names of #HalfMyDAF Heroes and the non-profits they chose to support. (Don’t worry, they won’t attach your name to the amount you’ve given and if you prefer, you can remain completely anonymous).

Spread the word!

The more donors who accept the #HalfMyDAF challenge by making a grant to My Money Workshop, the more we can empower students and low-income adults on their journeys to financial wellness.