My Money Workshop News – February 2021 Update

My Money Workshop News – February 2021 Update

Can you believe it’s already the middle of February?! A few weeks ago Punxsutawney Phil said it looks like we can expect six more weeks of winter. Fortunately, we have some good news that will help warm the heart.

My Money Workshop has rolled out our virtual Foundations for Financial Success Financial Literacy Programs for several and single-stop seminars for several client partners in January. And, we have started scheduling programs through the Fall of 2021!

Welcome to our new board members

We announced late last year about the addition of two new board members. They are both very passionate about forwarding the mission of financial literacy. We are so excited to share more about both of them below.

March Jerome is the President of Monroe College and has played an integral role in leading the College for more than two decades, serving as its Executive Vice President for 22 years prior to his elevation to President in January 2017. Marc’s experience working with low-income college students and the student debt crisis will help My Money Workshop as we continue to expand our programs.



Douglas Alpuche joined our board at the onset of the pandemic and has proved invaluable as we solidified our goals for our financial literacy curriculum and workshops. Prior to retiring in 2008 to devote full time to these activities, Doug served as President & Chief Operating Officer of Synapse Group, Inc. (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Time Warner). Doug and his family are incredibly committed to furthering financial literacy. He also serves on the board of 914Cares in Westchester.

Highlights from last month…

The new year at my Money Workshop began with programs at longstanding client Crossroads Residence and the Peekskill Parent Resource Center

How do you budget when you have little to no money? This is a question that we are helping the Crossroads new residents answer. This pilot program, which began in 2020 is aimed at introducing new residents to financial literacy tools and expectations. In addition, the participants will receive a financial checklist that starts them thinking about how they will get back on track toward a positive financial journey. The Financial Education Program for New Residents is an ongoing 4-part series throughout the year as new residents arrive. As participants prepare to transition out, they will attend a final My Money Workshop program that will ensure they can remain financially fit once they leave the residence. 

The Financial Education Program for Parents at the Peekskill Parent Resource Center supports Peekskill Parents and currently runs once a month through 2021. To best serve Peekskill Hispanic parents, program materials and seminars will be made available in Spanish as well. This program is graciously sponsored by Mid-Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union. MHV will work with My Money Workshop to develop a new seminar “The Importance of Credit Unions’ and will support our Spanish Speaking programs with the Peekskill parents.

CUNY Leads Online Learning (LOL) Program
On January 21st, My Money Workshop staff sat on the CUNY LOL Panel titled “Financial Literacy: How Much Is Your Time & Talent Worth?”. The panel offered special needs students at CUNY answers to pressing financial questions including questions around understanding payroll deductions and reducing credit card spending. 

Welcome to our newest instructors

Please join us in welcoming the volunteers who have recently completed their co-teaching phase!

New for 2021!

Monthly Seminars For The General Public

Last year posed unprecedented challenges for My Money Workshop. Many client partners suddenly paused and others closed their doors. It was clear that our partnership model would not work. We quickly pivoted and offered meaningful and successful virtual programming. Due to the success of our virtual events last year, My Money Workshop will be hosting monthly seminars available to the general public. If you know of anyone who would be interested in attending, please share this link with them:

Robin Ptak: “As the parent of two teenagers (one attending NJIT this Fall) and an aspiring financial coach, I recognize the need to educate youth on the skills to lead a financially successful life.”

Laura Rotter: “I am so happy that I found this organization and to be in a position to share my knowledge with others that might not otherwise have access to our resources.”

Please consider supporting our programs.

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